True Life Story

How Two Muddlefu**ed Utopian Dreamers
Find Happily Ever After

Chapter 9:
Let's Get This Party Started!

by Robert Alan Silverstein

"I said, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" OM evil-eyed me so fiercely I practically peed myself.


She rolled her eyes and her face slowly softened. "Just snap your fingers for us, Georgie..." OM said in her most congenial voice, suddenly all loving-smiles. "Please," she added for good measure, but that part definitely strained the digital smile so that it rapidly vibrated between obsequiously angelic to connivingly maniacal. "That's a good boy. Come on, Georgie. You can do it. Just put your middle finger on your thumb..."

I had someplace I wanted to put my middle finger, but instead I found myself doing as she'd commanded.

I snapped my fingers and...

Maya and I were suddenly standing, pressed together in the middle of a packed-to-the-rafters nightclub. Everyone was gyrating like crazy around us, squishing us closer, and the music was so loud my insides felt like they were vibrating out my ears.

Part of me realized this could be the point where the awkwardness of the moment would cause the awkwardness of our general situation to melt away, and finally bring us to that next chapter in our love story I kept wishing we could get to. The one where doubts and insecurities are forgotten in an all-telling silent understanding glance. And the world would fade away and we'd be alone, just the two of us, oblivious to the outside world, lost in our moment of eternal bliss.

Except the look Maya was giving me was really heavy on the awkward and really light on the understanding. The awkwardness grew.

"We need to talk," Maya screamed. I couldn't hear her of course, because of the roar of the nightclub, but her look conveyed her meaning with crystal clarity. And those words in any decibel range were never ones you wanted to hear.

"Snap your fingers, Georgie!"

OM's voice somehow cut menacingly through the noise. Without questioning, I found myself doing as I was told.

I blinked and noticed Maya and I were now sitting at a romantic candlelit table. We seemed to be alone as except for our illuminated faces in the candlelight's glow, everything around us was cloaked in darkness. I looked up at Maya's expectant gaze.

"Well, kiss her already!"

I startled at OM's words, and strained to see where they were coming from.

"Hello. Down here," OM yelled as my back pocket's buzz grew into a jolting electric shock.

I pulled the phone out and saw OM's scary-face glaring at us. "Kiss her, Georgie!" she growled.

Maya reached over and grabbed the phone from my hands without breaking our locked gaze. Still without blinking she turned the phone off.

The silence grew as she stared at me. I had no idea what she was thinking.

"I don't understand any of this," Maya finally sighed, and her angry gaze suddenly melted into thoughtful sadness. "How can OM claim we're soulmates? How can you love ME... you don't even know me. You actually don't even know my name. Or what I really look like. What I do day to day in my life. What I dream. What I wish for... At best, you could only love the idea of me."

I opened my mouth to force into words one of the thousand thoughts that ran through my mind. Like maybe we really could be soulmates. Maybe neither of us would ever have to be alone again. Maybe we could just CHOOSE to live happily ever after, and keep choosing it every moment of our lives.

"It's like an arranged marriage orchestrated by the universe," Maya continued before any words could actually spew from my lips. "I'm supposed to love you because we're in a cosmic story that says we're supposed to love each other... A story that you supposedly control by the way!"

I stared dumfounded, completely at a loss. OM claimed this was my universe and my rules, and yet even here in that best-case-scenario universe, I still didn't seem to know what's going on or how to get my supposed-actual soulmate to see me as her soulmate.

Good grief. If there really was some baseline-timeline-reallife out there I was actually living, how could I even stand a chance of finding her, and if I did, convince her we could be soulmates, when I'm sure I'm not even half the man I want to be there in the realworld. If I can't do it here where I can be whatever I want to be and make whatever I want to happen happen...

The insights started flying through my mind. I realized I don't want a "my rules - my universe" universe. I want an "our universe - our rules" one, where we would create our story together, one day at a time.

And suddenly everything OM had been hinting at started to make sense. This life I seemed to be living was just "a story" that I could control. And if I could tell it perfectly, the real-life her out there could read it and see the real me. And that would convince her to take a chance to create a best-life together with me...

YES! So, what can i say or do here in a perfect story to make her find me out there in our real-lives. I've got to whip us up some fantastic adventures that we'd share together.

No. It's got to be a fun Rom-Com. That's the way to go. With lots of super-romantic big gestures.

But... that would just be false advertising, wouldn't it? I mean I wouldn't necessarily want her to think I thought we could actually have fantastical adventures in a mundane-day-to-day world.

That's when I realized, what I really had to show her in the perfect story was my deepest essence. The truths that made me who I really was, deep down inside.

The insights fleetingly uncovered during fourteen years of floating alone in space seemed to coalesce into one singular epiphany about what would unite my soulmate and me in a perfect story that would win her reallife heart.

We would share a dream of a utopian world of peace and hope and possibility. Even if that vision couldn't ever come true, except in our imaginations and dreams, it was worth imagining. It was worth sharing. And that vision would be the focus of a shared life of mission and purpose that we would create together.

We'd do all the day-to-day mundane things ordinary couples do, sure, but our shared mission and purpose would be our guiding and uniting vision. We would make time each day to unleash our creativity and synergistically manifest and co-create tangible works that tried to capture our shared dream. That shared focus would give us the strength to see every mundane interaction with the world as an opportunity to spread some aspect of that shared dream.

Living happily ever after together would be a choice we'd make, every morning when we'd open our eyes and wake up together, and sealed with a kiss every night when we'd go to sleep to find each other in our dreams.

I think I must have said that last bit out loud. Or maybe the whole soliloquy. Or maybe now she really could read my mind, because when I looked into Maya's eyes they were smiling. No more doubt. No more questions. Just hope. And love.

"You know what," she burst out. "Screw it. I'm tired of being alone. We're stuck here together in this crazy dream. It's our universe. Let's decide to be soulmates and choose to live happily ever after, one moment at a time," she joyfully exclaimed.

"Oh boy!" my conscience screamed, chidingly accusing me of grossly abusing my 'My-Universe-My-Rules'-powers.

"Did I do that?" I urkeled nervously. I didn't mean to, but maybe I did somehow change Maya's mind about me without her knowing it?

But then Maya leaned in and kissed me, and I forgot to feel guilty.




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© 2023-2024 Robert Alan Silverstein

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