True Life Story

How Two Muddlefu**ed Utopian Dreamers
Find Happily Ever After

Chapter 8:
Abre Los Ojos

by Robert Alan Silverstein

"So, we're calling you George now, huh... Interesting. But I get it."

I blinked at the sound of Bo's voice. But all I saw was darkness.

"Bo, where are you?" I gasped in panic, because it felt like I was falling.

"Abre los ojos, dude," Bo said somewhere to my left.

I turned but still couldn't see a thing.

"Oh sorry. How's this?" Bo asked as he struck a match.

Yep, there was Bo. Would have been happy to see him, too. Except now that I could see him in the matchstick's glow, I also saw that we were, as I had suspected, falling through the darkness.

"Bo. We're falling!"


"But, Bo. We have to DO SOMETHING!" I screamed.

"Yeah. Definitely gonna splat pretty soon if you don't do something, pronto!" Bo agreed.


"Your universe - your rules, pal," Bo shrugged.

"Hey, that's what she said," I said.

"She's not wrong."

"But, what..."

"Just do it," Bo gasped as the match burned his fingers and he shook his hand, plunging us back into darkness.

Not sure what I did, but I apparently must have done something, because suddenly Bo and I were back on my old ship.

"See. Told you. Easy as pie. Your universe. Your rules."

I did done do it. Huh.

Bo condescendingly patted me on the shoulder. "Now get back to your wannabe-girlfriend and get this story moving. Or else you're not going to get the girl. And then I'll be stuck with you for all eternity. Neither of us wants that."

Right. Exactly. But, well. Would that be so bad? Bo and I did have some good adventures together.

"No way, Dude," Bo sighed, reading my mind like he always had. Being a figment of my imagination and all. "Go get the girl!"

I sighed as I remembered Maya, er, not Maya, but my-uh ... soulmate's face. Or tried to remember her face anyway, because everything felt kind of hazy now.

"Snap your fingers and Open your eyes," Bo said, snapping his fingers.

I snapped mine.

And opened my eyes.

"Finally! Welcome back, Georgie," OM smiled her best goddess-smile. "Now. Let's get this party started!"



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© 2023-2024 Robert Alan Silverstein

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