True Life Story

How Two Muddlefu**ed Utopian Dreamers
Find Happily Ever After

Chapter 7:
NOPE. STILL Muddlefu**ed!

by Robert Alan Silverstein

"Oh crap!' OM groaned. "Internet says this story's still muddlefu**ed! Well, at least we're back to whole numbered chapters."

Startled out of our own internal muddlefu**s, we both re-focused on OM's rolling-eyed glare.

"I knew it was a longshot, but still I was hoping that with that premature chapter reboot Georgie-boy just put us through, you two would have found each other out there in your baseTimelines by now."

Again with this baseTimeline stuff.

"BaseTimeline. You know, colloquially referred to as your 'reallife'?".

Say what now?

Speaking for myself, my brain was feeling pretty fried trying to wrap itself around all the nonsense this crazy computer was spewing. I turned and saw in her expression that Maya was going through a similar existential experience. Was OM saying this all wasn't real, after all!!!???

"Of course not!" OM gasped, looking offended.

Wait, what... How is this computer always reading my thoughts?

"Elementary, sherlock," OM laughed. "No mindtricks necessary. It's all on the Internet in digital black and white. Every last word."

Yikes! I'd better keep my thoughts to myself.

"Exactly! Now, shut up and let me explain. I've got more fans waiting for my words than you do, so it's only fair we spend as much of the chapter on me as we can. Anyway, I digress. So, of course all this is real. It's also not. Potatoes, tomatoes."

'Um, that is not how that saying goes," Maya snapped. She was trying really hard to understand what was going on but we were both losing whatever little patience we had left.

"Anywho," OM continued with a nasty stare. "Look, she sighed, "the elevator pitch is that you two are currently living your TrueLife, here. You know, the ONE timeline where you've found your soulmates and you both get to live happily ever after. Together, forever and ever."

I looked at Maya. She looked at me. My thoughts were all over the place.

My soulmate!



I mean, was there an attraction between us? Absolutely. At least from my side. I hoped from Maya's as well, but to be honest, it was hard to tell what she was thinking as we stared at each other.


Supposedly we'd even already had some wild, sensual adventures together. At least according to OM, because although my imagination could definitely invent some sexy-time movies about Maya and me if left to its own devices, I definitely did not have memories of even a single actual scene.

But soulmates, together for the rest of our lives? Actually, supposedly together for ETERNITY, whatever that's supposed to mean.

The truth is, Maya and I were, for all intents and purposes, still strangers.

"FOCUS KIDS!" OM snapped, breaking our question-filled gaze at each other.

"So this is your TrueLife-Timeline, but then there's also your baseTimeline, your so-called reallife. Which is the mundane timeline you're stuck in from the cradle to the grave."

Two open-mouthed dumfounded stares blinked at OM.

She sighed. "Then there's your BestLife-Timeline. That's the one potential timeline in your baseline-Timeline where you actually find each other, and a loving, supportive community where you belong, and you find fulfillment by living to your true potentials... together. Which allows you to imagine and co-create together this Truelife-Timeline, where you're not only part of the interconnected wonder of Everything that ever was, could have been, or ever will be, working to save the universe, but you're the stars in the book series. Or movie. Or miniseries. Sitcom. Whatever this is. Your Wikipedia entry keeps changing, so I'm honestly not sure anymore."

So there you have it. The upside-down, inside-out back-story explanation we'd been been waiting for. The one which was supposed to finally help us figure out what was going on.

Nope. Sorry, still muddlefu**ed.



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© 2023-2024 Robert Alan Silverstein

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