True Life Story

How Two Muddlefu**ed Utopian Dreamers
Find Happily Ever After

Chapter 6 2/3:
Muddlefu** hopefully less muddlefu**ed?

by Robert Alan Silverstein


"..and then the 2-headed dramfoon says to me... Hey, why are you both looking at me like you've been asleep for a few chapters and just woke up and now have no idea what's going on..."

I had apparently blinked out of a daydream into the apparent tail-end of a joke OM was telling. Reflexively I blurted out, "'Hey, why are you both looking at me like you've been asleep for a few chapters and just woke up and now have no idea what's going on...'-Who?"

"Can-it, Georgie-poo,' OM growled. "This is serious! Wait," she gasped as she looked from me to Maya. You two REALLY don't remember all the trouble you got us into... all the scrapes i had to rescue us from over the last couple million parsecs!?"

Uh. Nope. Not me.

Maya-not-Maya didn't get what was going on either.

"GEORGE...I told you to cut that out! For the last time, and I mean it. You George. She Maya."

Back to reading my thoughts again, it seemed. Yes, Mam.

"Now focus, folks. Wait. Hang on a millisec, let me just check Wikipedia, here. Yep, page has been updated. Oh, crap. Yeah, it's claiming Georgie-boy's baselinetimeline's got a tap into our timeline. George is back in the pilot seat. Goodie, goodie."

Hang on. I'm back in charge? Well alrighty then. Yeah baby! Not that I had any idea what she was talking about. 'Cause I sure didn't feel like I was in charge of anything!

"Hold on there. Following the link to the live-feed on the homepage. Oy-vey. This is bad. Georgie, Georgie. Georgie."

What. What did I do? What's going on!

"Okay. No worries. It's all good. So here's the scoop, kids. Apparently George-here's basetimeline has established a connection again, but it's only a partial, roundabout-indirect-sideways macGyvered one. Lots of duct tape and lots of data-loss. Yep. On the official archive, the story's kind of a mess. All Maya's chapters are missing and some of George's as well."


"The Chapters are missing, therefore you don't remember them. Get it? It's simple cause and effect, folks. Still, even with missing chapters, the storyline's not that bad, really. Nice job, Georgie. B+ for effort. Of course, only because I'm featured front and center... But Georgie. This is Chapter Six-and-Two-Thirds. What's that about?"

Of course I had no idea, and by now I'm sure you're more than ready for a clarifying explanation about storylines and timelines, so that you can readjust your suspension of disbelief accordingly. Believe me, we both were ready for some heavy-duty esplaining, too. But the next thing that OM said, well, that kind of monopolized Maya's and my immediate attention.

"And you two don't remember the exotic romantic vacation I arranged for you? Man did that get steamy! You two are animals! You're welcome, by the way."

We did what now?!

I snuck a shy look at Maya. She was blushing almost as much as I was as she was embarrassingly imagining just what I was enthusiastically, but then after seeing her expression, embarrassingly imagining ...

Oh Man, what did I miss! And probably more importantly what did this mean about our current relationship status.

"This jar your memory?" OM giggled as some totally R-verging-on-X-rated photos of Maya and me flashed across the screen.

"Nope..." we both gasped in shock.

OM sighed. But then she glared at us. "So of course you don't remember my amazing powerpoint presentation COMPLETELY explaining the meaning of life. Not one of the 42 exquisite postulates or the amazing awe-inspiring conclusion I came up with?"

"Nope," we both muttered.

"Guess I'll have to show it to you again..."

"NOPE!" we both screamed.



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© 2023-2024 Robert Alan Silverstein

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