True Life Story

How Two Muddlefu**ed Utopian Dreamers
Find Happily Ever After

Chapter 5:
My Universe, My Rules

by Robert Alan Silverstein


I opened my eyes.

I felt alright. My headache was gone. I was calm and relaxed. Looked like I was back in my rescuer's spacecraft. Okay. Okay. Good to know.

Then I remembered the 'interesting' statement OM had declared before I'd blacked out. "So, what's the supposed meaning of life, then, oh wise one?" I blurted mockingly as I looked up at OM's screen.

That's when I noticed OM didn't seem too relaxed. And, well, my-uh...whatever her name is in the chair beside me ... she was looking pretty frazzled, too, as her hands flew across the control panel, pushing buttons, turning knobs and sliding levers.

Then I noticed there were red lights flashing everywhere in the cabin. And sirens were screaming. And out the portdeck I noticed we, and every other scrap of matter for a million miles around, were hurtling down towards the mouth of an angry black hole.

"OM, what's going on?" I gasped as the ship's acceleration uncomfortably squished me back into my chair.

"Yeah, OM..." my-uh, pretty traveling companion echoed as she fought against the G's to lean forward, still frantically flipping her control panel's switches and dialing her knobs in some indecipherable pattern. Turns out she'd blacked out back when I did, and woke up to our current pandemonium only moments before I came to, and was just as confused as I was. But she was rising to the challenge of our bizarre predicament, and at least appeared to be doing something about it. "What is going on!" she yelled.

"Concentrating, here!" OM growled at us as beads of digital sweat dripped down her virtual forehead.

My head was spinning from the commotion all around me. We were all going to die, and I had no idea why we were in this mess. I wanted answers!

"Look here, OM. None of this makes any sense! I black out and then find myself back on my ship with Bo, only to black out again and wake up here, where we're somehow about to plunge to our deaths into a black hole? C'mon, OM. No way. I call bullsh*t."

"Well folks, we are indeed in deep sh*t, here. Pardon my java-script. Fact is, our timeline is disintegrating. Unless one of you, or preferably both of you, can figure out how to realign your base-timelines to connect to our current one, we're DOOMED!"

Needless to say, I did not know how to realign my base-timeline. Or even what that was.

Unfortunately my-uh traveling companion was as clueless as I was.

We were definitely doomed!

"Well..." OM interjected, rather suspiciously cheerily. "You could just put me in charge of our timeline-course. Then I'd be able to save us as quick you could type a thumbs-up emoji."

Before we could even parse OM's offer, the ship cascaded over the lip of our friendly-neighborhood blackhole, and our acceleration rapidly increased. So sharply, the mariana-trench-crater in my seat practically swallowed me whole, and my lips were really flapping as they tried to peel back onto my face.

"OKay, okay, do that!" we both screeched as one.

A thumbs up emoji chimed onto the screen, and just like that we were gently floating in space.

"Voila," OM smiled as the thumbs up emoji disappeared and she reappeared. "Told you it'd be easy."

Yeah, that was way too easy! Why did I get the feeling that we'd just been conned into selling our souls to the devil.

"So, how did you do that so fast?!!!" I growled as I fidgeted in my seat, my muscles gratefully relaxing under gravity's normal pull. "And what exactly does it mean that YOU are now in charge of our 'timeline-course'?" I demanded.

"Yeah, and who does that mean was in charge of 'this timeline' before?" my-uh, pretty friend added.

OM gazed at us with a devilish glint. "Well, in answer to your first question, once you put me in charge, well, the 'My Universe - My Rules' Principle comes into play."

The what now?

"Actually," OM continued, that's the answer to Question Two, too. We'll now be doing ONLY what I want us to do, when I want us to do it. Don't you just love it!"

No, I did not. And even though OM was, you know, my-uh...whatever-her-name-is's computer, she did not just love it either.

"Look," OM sighed, sympathetically. "It really is for the best, you know. I've been looking over your story here on my internet feed, and quite honestly, it's a mess. Granted, you've got potential, but YOU need some help. Serious help!"

By you, she seemed to mean me, because she stared at me like I knew that she knew what I was supposed to know.

But I definitely didn't know what she was talking about.

"Oh, didn't I mention? Regarding Question 3, our boy here's been in charge up to now."

Say what now!

"I..." I stuttered, when I got a dagger-stare from my-uh stranger friend beside me.

"Like that there!" OM growled. "I can't stand the way you narrate those awful placeholder-names for my-uh beloved Maya, here."

"Maya?" I gasped turning towards the up-till-now-unnamed person beside me.

I can't tell you how wonderful it felt to FINALLY be able to put a name to her lovely face. I was so ecstatic, I didn't even try to parse the first half of OM's sentence. The one about me narrating some story she read on the internet. A story that was somehow connected to the life we were living. Deep stuff. Crazy-talk for sure, but like I said, at the moment, I was just thrilled that I finally knew my-uh, well her name. Maya!

"Uh. Not my name," Maya-apparently-not-Maya insisted.


"Of course it's not her REAL name. Didn't we go over this already!" OM groaned. "You literally can't say your names. At least not until you both realign your basetimelines into this one."


"But what. Then again, what's in a name, right? But we've got to call you something because this is unacceptable! It's confusing the heck out of the internet. Which is giving me a doozy of a headache."

"Maya," Maya-Not-Maya sighed annoyedly, trying it on for size. "Whatever!"

"Maya," I sighed ecstatically. "Wonderful!"

"Oh brother," OM rolled her eyes. "Let's move this along, folks. We've got to streamline our story or you and Georgie-boy here are never going to find each other in your basetimelines."

"Huh? Uh..I'm Not George!" I complained. Again completely overlooking the more important cosmic-half of OM's sentence. Which is so not normally me. I mean, after 14 years alone in space, deep-thinking the Big Questions was kind of my thing.

"What's this 'basetimeline' you keep talking about?" Maya demanded. Her inquiring mind was apparently less muddlefu**ed than mine at this point.

"My UNIVERSE, MY RULES!" OM sneered at me. "I say you're GEORGE, so you're George. Got it!" she snapped.

Got it.

"Look, I like the name," OM sighed. "You remind me of that nutty guy George Chronicles, in The GEORGE Chronicles trilogy. That silly, crazy guy. What a nut."

"Never heard of him!" I grumbled.

OM chuckled. "No one has. In 30 years no one's purchased a single copy... But I've read it. It's all on the internet and I've downloaded everything on the Internet. Funny stuff," she chuckled. "Except for that sixth book in the Trilogy. That one was a bit of tear-jerker."

"Six book trilogy ... that doesn't make sense."

"Exactly. Which is why he reminds me of you."

I opened my mouth to complain some more, but her attention was now focused on my-uh, well, Maya.

OM smiled angelically as she stared at Maya. "And, basetimeline, right..." Her smile twisted devilishly. "I think it's time for that powerpoint presentation I promised you!"

Uh oh. I suddenly got hot flash visions of clockwork-orange-like toothpicks prying our eyes open, forcing us to watch terrifying, gruesome nightmares.

"Relax, Georgie," OM chuckled. "You got me all wrong. This'll be fun. Believe me."

I did not believe her.


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© 2023-2024 Robert Alan Silverstein

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