True Life Story

How Two Muddlefu**ed Utopian Dreamers
Find Happily Ever After

Chapter 3:

by Robert Alan Silverstein

"So, what do we do now?"

I blinked.


Turned towards the voice.

"Oh!" my mind whispered, "it's the pilot from the other spacecraft..."

I stared, dumfounded, and ten hundred questions raced through my head. But one screamed the loudest. How did I get there?

"Well?" she asked, and the warm smile she had worn a moment ago now quivered with an edge of impatience.

I opened my mouth to speak. But nothing came out. "OK," I thought, "we're sitting in a cockpit. But it's not mine," my muddled mind informed me as it tried to gather clues.

"What's going on!" my brain screamed in panic as my memory-train derailed.

I licked my lips, nervously. My throat felt parched, and I tried to swallow as I strained to remember what had happend.



"Okay... Let's see..." my Sherlock Holmes side reasoned, trying to take control of my thoughts. "My dockport-hatch had opened, and then there she was. Elementary, my dear Watson... And then..."

And then, what?

Did we stare lovingly into each other's eyes, knowing that we'd finally found our true loves?

Did we run into each other's arms in slow motion, embracing in an eternal, blissful kiss.

Did we ... ???

"I got nothing!" Sherlock concluded.

Okay, so wait, I just left my ship behind and got on her's? That didn't make sense. I mean, my ship was a piece of crap, but it'd been the only home I'd known for 14 years. And I just left it all behind?

Or, maybe I was still with Bo, daydreaming all this up?

What had happened to me? It was like a whole chapter was missing from my life.

I suddenly had the weirdest thought. I had this dizzying-feeling that I was just a character in one of those 'he said - she said' novels. You know, where they alternate between telling a chapter from his point of view and then her's. Except, I didn't get to read her chapter and now I had no idea what was going on in the story!

I looked over at this stranger next to me. The one my gut butterfly-whispered I had always been fated to meet. The one my heart now boldly began to insist I was absolutely destined to be with for the rest of my life. What had happened between us in that chapter? Where did we stand with each other, now?

Did we share with each other our entire lives' stories?

Were we friends?

Were we lovers?

Or were we still strangers in that awkward pre-relationship stage where you have to walk on eggshells, afraid you'll scare each other away with your idiosyncratic character flaws and hidden secrets before you are able to connect enough to see each other's scars not as hideous turn-offs or potential weapons to be used against us, but as endearing vulnerabilities only your lover knows about you, but won't hold against you, and would never use to hurt you.

As the silence grew, her stare became less impatient and more angry.

"Uh...' I started, wanting to address her properly, but realizing I didn't know what name to call her. "Crap this is so weird," my thoughts panicked. "I'm probably supposed to know her name. Yeah, I'm definitely supposed to know her name."

My brain was about to hit the panic button, big-time, but then, something peaceful washed over me.

As we stared into each other's eyes, I somehow knew with full certainty that she knew what I was thinking, because I knew she had to be my soulmate, and well, that's what soulmates do, right?

There was a reasonable explanation for all of this, and she could read my mind, and she was going to break this silly silence, and put me at ease by filling me in on everything that had happened, and we could start this next moment off right, fully knowing where we stood with each other.

But she just continued to stare at me. And it wasn't a loving, knowing look. It was an 'uh-oh, I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life for choosing you' kind of look.

I started to panic again. What should I do? In romantic comedies, the guy always gets in trouble if he isn't fully honest with the girl right from the start. I'd have to tell her everything. Then everything would be fine.

Then I remembered that in the other half of romantic comedy storylines, when the hero told the truth, the love interest got mad, even more fiercely. Hmm... What to do...

Silence and an even more confused stare faced me. Screw it. I'm going in with the truth, I decided. And so I did.

She opened her mouth to speak a few times while my verbal diarrhea spewed, but she didn't say anything. Finally I finished.

I noticed her stare seemed more understanding. A smile briefly crossed her lips, but her expression slowly faded into an analyzing, doubtful ponder. "That's really weird that you say you can't remember the past couple days ..." she said hesitantly after a deep breath or two. "But to your other question, no we don't know each other's names..."

"Oh," I exclaimed, feeling like I at least knew a little more about where we stood and, despite her growing accusatory demeanor, I now knew how to proceed. Simple enough. Get the introductions going and start fresh from the beginning. "So. Hi, I'm..."

"NO!" she practically screeched. "OM says we can't know each other's names!"

Startled, I clamped my mouth closed. "Uh..." I was more confused than ever. Everything was supposed to become clear after I explained my lapse in memory. But her lone explanatory sentence made things a whole lot more confusing. Like who was this OM?

Now she seemed to be able to read my mind, because she blinked and started explaining.

"OM is my ship's computer."

Oh. Huh? Yeah, that helped a lot. Not!

"Get it. c OM puter."

No, I didn't get it. And that's what my stare of dumbness declared.

"Well, it makes as much sense as your wisecracking-bhodisativa, Bo!"

Huh. Guess I told her all about my hallucinatory-sidekick in our missing chapter. Well, that's embarrasing!

"Believe me, OM is just as annoying as your imaginary friend," she chuckled, again as if reading my mind.

"Well..." her computer dashboard suddenly exclaimed. "Excuse me!"

I turned to face the goddess-avatar on the computer screen on the dashboard panel.

OK. So this was the great OM?

OM's gaze was commanding but comforting. Fierce and protective but kind and understanding.

I felt more at ease than I'd ever felt. I felt centered. Hey, maybe OM is a good name for her after all!

Then suddenly, the avatar began to morph, and her glare was scary as hell. Harpy-evil-scary! I started sweating like crazy and could barely breathe.

A momentary eternity later, OM shook her head and rolled her eyes and started laughing, breaking the spell. I gasped in relief.

"Sorry," OM chuckled. "Couldn't help myself. A little circuit overload," she giggled. "But don't you tell me it's just that time of the month or I'll...!" she glared harpy-style, daring me to open my mouth.

Yikes. Talk about psycho-computers.

"Seriously, folks," OM began, sweetness abounding, godessly-composed once again. "I didn't say, not to tell each other your names. I said you couldn't tell each other your names."


"Go ahead. Try."

Okay. We tried.

But static seemed to replace our voices every time we tried to say our names.

Curiouser and curiouser.

"You think that's interesting? Wait until I show you the powerpoint presentation I've prepared on the meaning of life and your shared mission and purpose to save the universe."

Say, what now? Definitely crazy-town, but, I have to admit, it kind of piqued my interest.

Unfortunately, the Answers to these and the other Big Questions OM had excitedly waiting in her cache, well, they were just going to have to wait. Because suddenly I had the hugest headache, and my insides felt like they were being ripped apart. As if some cosmic force was pulling my deepest essence out of body into a different dimension.

Unfortunately, turns out, that's exactly what was happening.

Everything went black.

"Hey pal, whatchya doing?" Bo smirked down at me as I opened my eyes. "Uh...huh?" I stammered as my head began to throb again.

"Adios amigo," I heard Bo calling, somewhere far off in the distance.

I grimaced and everything once again went dark.


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© 2023-2024 Robert Alan Silverstein

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