epic science fiction / philosophic adventure where,
over the millennia after earth's destruction, humanity
populates the stars in self contained macrolife bio-domes.
A more utopian life without greed, hunger, disease and
where even death is rare, is possible within these carefully
controlled eco-systems, because human potential becomes
unlimited without the externally-driven evolutionary
survival-in-a-world-of-scarcity struggle inherent in
planetary living, when coupled with a true democratic
government that allows for an egalitarian society, complete
freedom of the individual to pursue their talents and
passions, and equal access to all of the knowledge and
wisdom in the totality of humanity's experience. Whenever
populations increase to the size where conflicts over
the macroworld's purpose and direction arise, the rebellion
becomes a cooperative venture to build a new macroworld
for the revolutionaries to set off on their own chosen
course of evolutionary divergence.
A Mobile Utopia
by George Zebrowski
Free with Kindle Unlimited