What's Your #BlissTrigger

by Robert Alan Silverstein

I don't spend much time on Twitter, or social media in general. But sometimes there's some interesting stuff out there.

That day it was pretty slim pickings, and to be honest, I'm not even sure what tweet I was looking at when I somehow accidentally clicked on a link and started a Zoom session.

My thumbs are way too big for my phone keys!

I was feeling pretty frazzled and was trying to close the window when I got a phone call. Spam of course. I got rid of the call and then remembered the open Zoom session. My thumb was perfectly poised to close it down, when I noticed the pretty face in one of the squares on the screen.

I could not stop looking into those beautiful eyes.

But meanwhile, the guy in the middle square on the screen was talking, and I only half listened to what he was saying as I stared into those beautiful eyes and that pretty face.

It slowly sank in that apparently this was some kind of weird guided meditation or something. I'm really not into that new age stuff. Well, not really. Although I must admit, I've really always wanted to learn how to meditate. But I just never could get myself to sit down and do it properly. Even though I really would like to. And after all these years, it's gotten to the point that even just the idea of meditating gets me feeling all guiltily uncomfortable. So you'll understand that normally I would have just shut it all down, pronto. But those pretty eyes.

So the guy was saying something about "Bliss Moments"... like when you're watching a movie, or reading a book or listening to a song... and for a instant your mind and your heart are at peace, and you're vicariously transported beyond your thoughts to some indescribable forever moment...

The beautiful woman seemed really into what the guy was saying, and I had to admit his words did seem to resonate with what I was feeling right at that moment.

"Anything can transport us to that peaceful moment InBetween space and time -- a sunset, a pretty face..."

Her eyes were mesmerizing.

The guy's voice seemed to be drifting in and out. Half the time I couldn't even hear his words, but I felt what he was talking about like it was some deeper truth. He was saying something about different kinds of those bliss moments and the "Bliss Triggers" that bring us those peaceful escapes.

There's 'body bliss', where you lose yourself through a physical activity, like dancing or running or shooting a basketball, or playing a musical instrument or kissing someone -- and you find yourself 'in the zone'...

And insightful bliss, where you're totally focused on a problem-solving mental activity that brings you closer and closer to the brink of that final insightful solution...

And creative bliss, where you're completely submerged in a universal creative pool, and unique never-before explored words or music just flow through you...

My mind was drifting in and out like a wave. One instant I'm completely lost, just experiencing what the guy's saying, and the next I'm staring into those pretty eyes, finding myself drifting back deeper into them, until my mind is lost again.

"But one of the most interesting of all, is the melancholy bliss triggered most successfully through songs. Which is what we're studying today," I heard the guy distinctly say, and found myself staring at my phone screen and the squares of participants in the zoom room. "... We've had very good success with this song as an InBetweening springboard reported at 1:43 and 4:44. So close your eyes now and begin practicing the intentional breathing technique we went over..."

I found myself involuntarily closing my eyes, but strangely that pretty woman's eyes were still there gazing at me in my mind's eye.

"Let the music carry you to that utopian dream you've been practicing visualizing in your other training sessions..."

I could hear the other participants' breathing as the song melodically washed over me.

And then I noticed the woman I'd been obsessing over seemed to be standing before me, her eyes closed as she breathed deeply in and out.

What the... I could barely breathe.

Then she opened her eyes. "Hi!" she exclaimed with a surprised smile.

"Hi..." I whispered back automatically, but unbelievingly.

"Wow... this actually worked..." she gasped, eyes wide in wonder. "I've been training for... Well, way over six months, and I've done sixteen group meditations, but this... this is the first time I've actually connected to anyone InBetween..." she gushed, gazing at me with what I longed to describe as loving eyes.

This was all just too weird -- I just stood there not knowing what to say.

She looked around and her smile widened even brighter. "I always wanted to believe it was possible... But the truth is, I didn't really think I'd ever be able to do it... You know what I mean?"

I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

Suddenly she looked worried. "You are here, right? I'm not just imagining this...?"

"Um, I think so..." I stuttered.

Her face brightened again in pure bliss. "I'm the first on our Team to make an InBetween connection. This is so great! I can't wait to tell everyone. We're going to do so much together, you and me... Together we'll help get the whole group up to the next level..."

"We will?" I said softly. I had no idea what she was talking about, but with all my heart I hoped the "together" part was true.

That worried look started to come over her again and she stepped forward, reaching for my hand.

I gasped, and held my breath again when she touched me, because she sure felt real.

"I'm not sure how long this will last," she swallowed as she stared into my eyes. "This is all taking place in just a flash, out in the real world...And supposedly we might not even remember much of this..."

What? I didn't see how I could ever forget any second of this experience. I started to panic. What if she's right and I forgot this all happened!?

She sensed my fear and squeezed my hand as she bit her lip in thought. "Let's see, we're supposed to exchange passwords and give each other contact info so we can prove that we actually did connect InBetween."

"Yes, let's do that!" I gasped.

"Okay! So, password... Right..." she whispered. "Now what did I decide on? There were so many great ideas I was toying with. But I... I can't seem to remember now what I decided I would use if this ever worked..."

She looked so perplexed, I wished with all my heart that I could help her remember. But I could barely form a thought, let alone speak a word.

"May Peace Prevail on Earth?" she said hesitantly. "Maybe. That is a good one, but is that what I decided?"

Something stirred in me, like an illuminating key was inserting into the keyhole of the door in the wall surrounding my heart.

"Uh... See You Inbetween?"

I felt the key turning, slowly unlocking the lock's tumblers, one by one.

"No, I don't think that was it... Hiara pirlu resh kavawn..."

The lock clicked.

"No. That's not it. Oh wait!" she exclaimed.

The doorknob began to turn.

"Okay, I saw this on the license plates when I visited Quebec a few years ago and always thought it was cool, so let's use 'Je Me Souviens' as my password..."

She looked expectantly at me, obviously waiting for me to give her my password.

My mind was a blank. I'm not sure where it came from but I found myself blurting, "Peacetopia..." She smiled approvingly.

The door began to open.

"Now, my email is..."

She very well may have given me her email address. Maybe she told me her name and maybe I told her mine. I'm not sure, because the next thing I knew, I was staring at a blank screen on my cell phone, and my memories of that wonderful experience were quickly fading.

"No!" I gasped and closed my eyes tightly, trying to hold on to the fleeting images. But before I knew it, I was left with just a hazy memory of having connected with someone wonderful. I could hardly remember anything. I wasn't even really able to remember those pretty eyes and that beautiful face very clearly. And even that blurry image was fading away.

Needless to say, I was really bummed. But I had stuff to do, places to go.

Still, I kept finding the experience popping back into my daydreams all day long. I've always been a big daydreamer, but this seemed pretty single-minded. I kept finding myself trying to visualize her face and those eyes and replay the conversation I'd apparently imagined. And most of all I tried to remember her email so I could contact her in real-life.

Days passed by, and little by little I began to recall bits and pieces. And then I remembered the part about "bliss triggers"...

Frantically, I did a search on twitter for #BissTrigger and some pretty cool stuff came up. One was a song I really love. I listened for a while, and the song really did take me someplace. A blissful moment, I realized when it was past. But it wasn't THE bliss moment I was looking for, because she wasn't in it.

Every morning and every night (and way too many times throughout the day) I ritually went through every #BlissTrigger hashtag on twitter I could find, hoping something would bring me back to that timeless, spaceless place InBetween where I'd find her. Lots of really nice blissful moments. But none with her in them.

I'd long since given up hope, but continued until one day there was this lovely picture of a woman looking out at a beautiful sunset. With every fiber of my being, I knew it was her. Nervously I started to DM her.

"Je me souviens - Peacetopia."

I bit my lip as my finger poised over the SEND button. "Maybe this is crazy," I warned myself.

But what the heck. I closed my eyes and pressed the key.

And then, we were standing together in the InBetween.

"Bob!" she laughed and hugged me tightly.




© 2022 Robert Alan Silverstein

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May Peace Prevail On Earth



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